Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Special Day

Honoring the ones we have loved and lost is an important part of grief. Today, in memory of our sweet Liza Jane, here is a shout out for 3/21. Today is World Down Syndrome Day.

This is celebrated internationally on March 21, symbolic of a third copy of the 21st chromosome that characterizes Down syndrome. This year the celebration is amplified as it is the first time that the date is officially recognized by the United Nations.

I'm joining NDSS to "do something extra" in honor of those with an extra 21st chromosome. Here I sit on my couch, tired after working an extra long day, ready to veg out. But I don't want to throw in the towel on the day without taking a moment to honor my sweet baby girl.

Just a few short decades ago, people with Down syndrome in this country were committed to institutions where they were given little opportunity to thrive. You can vist here for one person's story about how it used to be.

Today, people with Down syndrome live productive and meaningful lives. They go to school with all the other kids, and most of them graduate with their high school class. Some even go on to college, and many have jobs when they are older.

Despite all this progress, people with Down syndrome are more at risk for not making it into the world than ever, due to new prenatal tests that are now available. I think it's sad, because now is probably the best time ever for these individuals to be alive in our society. When their diagnosis is discovered prenatally, though, about 90% of mothers make a choice to end their lives.

So today, I want to send a big hug out to all those who know and love somebody with Down syndrome. And to all the people born with Down syndrome, thank you for making this world a better place, for bringing a little something extra to our lives. We are all better off because of you.

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