Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Feels Like Nesting

This is one of those weeks where blogging just isn't flowing naturally from my fingertips. I have started several posts, which are all still in draft mode, because I can't quite get at the essence of what I want to say.

There is a lot going on as we get ready for our adoption. We are rearranging things in the house, and I am preparing to give up the spare bedroom I've enjoyed using as an office for the past three years. It's a mix of feelings, sad and happy.

We don't have a timeline yet, but some promising prospects, and an office full of stuff that is being dis-assembled and dispatched to storage around the house, or the thrift store, or recycling as needed.

It feels a lot like nesting. Luke pointed it out to me tonight, and I think he was right. I've got the bug, and I'm making it happen, so we will be ready whenever the moment is right and there are kids that need our home.

So that's all for now, folks. Before I start second-guessing myself, I'm just going to hit the Publish button. If there are type-o's, the sun will still rise tomorrow.

A baked apple is waiting on the counter for our dessert... yummm... over and out.


Anika said...

Sounds like nesting! :)

Melissa Schmidt said...

Nesting is good!!! You go girlie! And that apple sounds yummy. ;)

Melodie said...

Yeah mandy! nesting it is! have fun!